In Home Decor

The Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Home on a Budget

Hello, friends! I have some super exciting news about something that has been in the works forever, & today is the day when I finally get to share it with you all!


Boy, does it feel good to say that out loud… Er, in a blog post.

It’s called “The Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Home on a Budget”, & in it, I’ve rounded up all of my best tips & tricks for beautifying your home all without breaking the bank.

Oh, and have I mentioned yet that it’s FREE? Yep, it is! It was created with you in mind & as a way to say THANK YOU for your support over this past year of my blogging journey! All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter & it will get it sent straight to your inbox! Easy peasy.

Wondering what sort of goodies I’ve packed into my book? Keep reading to find out!

The Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Home on a Budget

The first thing I share with you in my e-book is How to Create a Realistic Decorating Budget!

Because optimistic & unrealistic budgets definitely do way more harm than good.

How to Create a Realistic Decorating Budget

Next, for section 2, I outline 8 Ways to Avoid Overspending while beautifying your home! These tips will help you stick to your budget & not spend more than you want to.

8 Ways to Avoid Overspending

And now for my favorite part! The one where I spill all my secrets & give you my Best Resources for Cheap & Free Decor. Guys, these sources are pure gold & I can’t wait to hear about all the great deals you get through them!

The Best Resources for Cheap & Free Decor

Then this last section is where it gets real, because in it I include four super-practical Bonus Planning Worksheets to help you create a comprehensive decorating plan that truly works for you.

The Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Home on a Budget

Can I just say how excited I am to finally be able to get this into your hands? I’ve been working on it for so long, & I am just so looking forward to see how it helps all of you in your decorating journeys!

Sign up below to join the Create Pray Love community & get your free copy of my e-book. As a member, you’ll also get access to my newsletter, which is filled with even more freebies & sneak peeks of upcoming projects to show you how awesome I think you are! 🙂

So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy!

Create Pray Love

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