2 In Home Decor

Thrifted French Bakery Decor

Create Pray Love | Thrifted French Bakery Decor

Thrifty Tuesday | Post #1

I imagine most of you can relate to my confession that I can always tell when something is just missing from a room in my apartment, even when I don’t yet know what the perfect decor solution is.

That was the case for my kitchen, three apartments ago. I needed a piece of artwork to hang above my table that would fill up the space and make it super cozy.

I’d also studied abroad in Germany the year before and had the opportunity to travel to a few different countries, so I was on the lookout for anything with a European tinge to it.

Then cue my Saturday thrift store run, during which I found this:

Create Pray Love | Thrifted French Bakery Decor

I fell in love!

This unique piece of wire art adds so much character to my kitchen and I spent just under $7.00 for it.

See how cute it looked in my studio apartment’s kitchen?

Create Pray Love | Thrifted French Bakery Decor

I’ve already decided I’m keeping it forever.

If you want to add a rustic feel to your kitchen, or any room in your apartment, I’d recommend looking around for wire art! Maybe someday I’ll start making my own 🙂

Write in the comments below where you found your favorite thrifted kitchen item and how much you love it!

Create Pray Love

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  • Jodie Held
    February 20, 2016 at 2:43 am

    I recently purchased a click for my living room. I saw it in a little floral shop which I had gone into to look for some greenery. When I saw it in knew it was what I 2anted and it is just right above my fireplace.

    • createpraylove
      February 22, 2016 at 11:10 am

      Awesome, thanks for sharing! Love that you found a clock in a floral shop 😉 I’d love to see a picture!! <3