6 In Budget Living/ Home Decor

The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs

Thrifty Tuesday | Post #17

I feel like all of my posts lately have started with the phrase “When we first moved into our apartment, I knew we needed…” It’s kind of become my “once upon a time” mantra, which makes sense, because our apartment is definitely closer to fairy tale status now more than when we first walked through it. The first time we toured it, without even having seen pictures of it online, we saw a blank slate full of potential. It had lovely hardwood floors, which were better for the husband’s allergies, so he was definitely excited. Fast forward to when our living room was full of furniture, we needed an area rug for not only the aesthetics, but also for the practicality of dampening sound so our neighbors wouldn’t hate us.

I’ve been hesitant to buy area rugs in the past, mostly because I didn’t need them in my carpeted apartments, but also because they did not fit into my budget. I just didn’t have an extra $300 to spend on a rug that may or may not fit or work in my next place. So when it was time to take the plunge and buy one last year, I took my time scouring all the stores (all the stores, guys). And do you know what? I found one! It’s perfect & was seriously affordable.

Want to know the trick I found to finding cheap area rugs? Keep reading… And scroll to the bottom for pictures of the lovely rug I found!

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

So you want to know where to look for cheaper area rugs? My first piece of advice is to stick to the discount & off-price department stores.

My second piece of advice is to ignore the section of large, rolled up carpet rugs and keep on movin’. These rugs are a little bit thicker & therefore more expensive. But, I’ve found that if you browse next to the smaller door mats, there is the possibility of finding larger area rugs which are thinner, not rolled up, and way cheaper.

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

As you can see above, this is the section of rugs you can probably skip. At least from my experience, the prices were still out of my price range and the patterns weren’t my style.

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

Here’s example #1 of a cheaper rug in the smaller section, which I found during my most recent browsing escapade at my local Ross store. This is a 5’x8′ rug being sold for $24.99. Yes, please!! Rugs this size typically start at $50 or more, so this is a steal.

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

And example #2: this rug is 4’x6′ with a price tag of $14.99. (Sorry for the horrible picture, but I promise it looked more pretty in the store!)

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

This is a picture of my $35 area rug, which measures about 5’x8′. The design is sooo up my alley, and the shades of green & blue matched our living room color scheme very well.

It’s a little bit thinner and doesn’t feel like a carpet, but it’s not too thin either, to the point where I’d be afraid of treading a hole in it. I’d say it’s just right!

Create Pray Love | The One Trick to Finding Cheaper Area Rugs- so crazy!

Can you believe the deal I got on this thing?! Sometimes I’m still in awe.

I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of information! I just love sharing good deals and shopping tricks when I find them.

Best of luck to you all on future shopping trips 😉

Create Pray Love

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  • Jodie Held
    May 31, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    Good shopping! Proud of you!

    • Create Pray Love
      June 5, 2016 at 12:27 pm

      Thank you! <3 🙂

  • Marie, Paint It White Interiors
    June 22, 2016 at 7:55 am

    Thanks for the great tips here. I’m off to TK Max to see what they’ve got and hopefully I’ll be as lucky as you and find some great deals..
    Ps. So thrilled I found your blog.

    • Create Pray Love
      July 1, 2016 at 10:55 pm

      Thank you, Marie! I hope you found something fabulous! 🙂 And thank you for writing, I am glad you found my blog as well! I’ve been checking out yours for the past few minutes, you’ve posted some amazing projects!

  • Morgan
    May 27, 2017 at 8:12 am

    Wow! Love that blue one. We have carpet in the dining room (awful idea with kids) so I had to get a thin rug to protect it. Something like this would have been perfect. I’ve gotten some great home decor at marshalls but never thought of looking for rugs. We got one big one, Persian/Orient style from… the LA fashion district! Loved your post on that, and now I want to go again.

  • DIY Dollar Store Painted Pumpkins & Fall Living Room Tour - Create Pray Love
    September 24, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    […] & the rug you see here was actually a $30 Ross steal find! I talk about where to find the best area rugs on a budget in this post here! […]