2 In Budget Living/ Organization

Spring Cleaning! [digital style]

Create Pray Love | Spring Cleaning! [digital style]

Thrifty Tuesday | Post #8

Create Pray Love | Spring Cleaning [Digital Style]Hi everyone! Wow, has this year flown by quickly or what? I can’t believe it’s already officially Spring as of a few weeks ago.

I love seeing flowers blossom everywhere, but honestly, the first part of Spring was tough, with daylight savings and all. I still don’t think we’re completely adjusted to it. The struggle is real, folks.

In my view, however, there is one major upside to this season- spring cleaning! Bring on the organization & decluttering projects! I am so ready.

Today, I want to share with you some free ways to enhance your digital organization, because I’ve found that keeping my digital life organized helps me to stay on task, have a clear mind & maintain goals with all of my other projects.

  1. Evernote. If you haven’t heard about Evernote, go look it up now. It’s an extensive list & note-taking application that is completely free to use and available on all devices. I love the option to create “Notebooks” for keeping notes in different categories, and I personally use the app to keep track of everything from my To-Do’s to my favorite recipes.
  2. Google Calendar. Let me just say this: if I didn’t have a Google Calendar, I would probably go a little crazy. I use this for setting reminders and keeping track of appointments & hangouts with friends. My husband also uses his Google Calendar for notating everything he has to do on a daily basis.
  3. Google Sheets. The applications in the Google Suite are wonderful because you can access them on all devices and share documents with multiple people for collaboration and editing purposes. I am a huge fan. My husband & I use Google Sheets specifically to plan our vacations & do light budgeting, and it was also the #1 tool we utilized during the process of planning our wedding planning a few years ago. Our day-of wedding schedule was one intense beast, and the week of, we just saved it as a PDF and sent it out to the appropriate parties. If you haven’t started using it, I highly recommend it!
  4. Unsubscribing. I’ve realized lately that I get a lot of marketing emails which I don’t read anymore. BUT- since they are mostly from companies I don’t want to completely forget about, especially if they have good deals every now & then, I’m hesitant to unsubscribe from their email lists. Thankfully, I recently found a solution to my dilemma! A lot of companies now will let you change your preferences to either decrease the frequency of the emails you receive (like down to once a week) or only picking certain categories of offers you want to receive. This has already been a game-changer for me because having less emails in my inbox has given me more time to focus on the ones that matter.

I hope you enjoyed these tips! Please feel free to leave thoughts and questions in the comments!

// Do you have anything that’s helped you with digital organization? What are your favorite apps or programs?

Create Pray Love

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  • Sarah V.
    April 7, 2016 at 10:30 pm

    For #4, I switched to using tabs in Gmail … so I have a “promotions” tab for all those marketing emails (and “social” tab for the social media updates). This helps me focus on real stuff. But the coupons are there when I need them. 🙂

    Re: #2, we created a Google form to collect email addresses for sending out our wedding invitations seven years ago. We are still using the sheet as our address book–so easy to update, so handy to access anywhere.

    • Create Pray Love
      April 26, 2016 at 1:44 pm

      Hi Sarah!

      I have a Promotions tab, too, but it still drives me nuts when I have waaaay to many e-mails stuck in there 😉

      I agree, I used a Google spreadsheet to hold all of our guests’ contact information and it is still our “address book” for sure!

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences about this! <3