7 In Monthly Recaps

Monthly Recap | June 2016

Create Pray Love | Monthly Recap | June 2016

Whoah. Sorry, guys. This recap post is laaaaaate!

My most sincere apologies ♥

There’s been a lot going on in the CPL household as of late, so I took a very needed break from posting to get caught up on life. Keep reading for the details! 😉

Create Pray Love | Monthly Recap June 2016

First things first… last month in my recap post, I mentioned a specific announcement that I’d share with you this month. And I definitely keep my promises. So, you ready?!

Within the next month or two… we’ll be MOVING!

The husband and I are already in love with our new place & we can’t wait to give you a home tour once it’s picture-ready!

I hope this helps explain my partial absence here on the blog 🙂 But, I also want to let you know about a few more changes coming down the line. I’m going to continue slowing things down for a while because I want to give you guys the best content possible. So, I will not be posting twice a week for the foreseeable future, which means that I’m pressing pause on my #ThriftyTuesday and #DIYFriday series. I’ll still make posts, they just won’t be confined to a certain day during the week.

I’ve also spent a lot of time brainstorming, dreaming & planning about how I want to move forward with this blog, so don’t be surprised if you see more changes down the road! In the meantime, be sure to follow me on Pinterest [here] to see all the lovely things I find during the week.

Alright, now I want to recap some of my recent favorite things for you all…


  • My first post of June was showcasing my rustic coffee table makeover. Read it here.
  • I really enjoyed putting together a tutorial on how to arrange your apartment before you move in, utilizing a few handy websites! Read it here.
  • I love blogging, and I love helping others improve their skills as well. Click here to read my post on 2 free ways to add instant character to your blog.


  • Homemade croutons… it’s so easy & cheap. I made some last weekend and the husband & I think they are definitely on-par with store-bought croutons. If you want a recipe, this is the one I used! I think I am due to make another batch soon.



// How has your month been? Is there anything you’ve discovered that you just love? What are your favorite things to read on CPL, and what would you like to see more of? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Create Pray Love

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  • Whitney
    July 11, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    Good luck with the move! We just moved from NC to CO in May, so I remember the details of moving vividly. I’m so glad you found my post helpful. Those little things truly do make a world of difference. ❤️

  • Create Pray Love
    July 12, 2016 at 8:33 am

    Hi Whitney! Thank you so much & congrats on your recent move! I actually have some really good friends who are currently making the move to Colorado. I’ve visited once and it’s a lovely place! 🙂

  • Vicky
    July 26, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Good luck with the move!

  • Organic Mango Black Tea Lemonade Recipe | Create Pray Love
    August 3, 2016 at 2:09 pm

    […] also been prepping for our upcoming move, which will be happening this month! I am beyond looking forward to the day when I can share […]

  • Thrifted Finds Haul | Edition I | Create Pray Love
    August 10, 2016 at 9:50 am

    […] husband and I are currently transitioning into a bigger place, & I am looking forward to being able to host get-togethers and have friends & family […]

  • meowmeowproject
    October 18, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    very cool! i’m going to try making the sea salt chocolate pretzels, just bought a pack from the dollar store today!

    • Create Pray Love
      October 24, 2016 at 12:12 pm

      How funny, I’ll actually be posting about the pretzels super soon! We so think alike! 😉