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As I write this, the husband & I are binge-watching Fixer Upper on HGTV. It’s wonderful and addicting, and I am inspired by the vision & design talent that come so naturally to Chip and Joanna Gaines.
However, if I’m being completely honest… I am now aching for a house. I already have a wish list: an old house with a fireplace, a bay window or reading nook, lots of storage, and at least three bedrooms.
BUT- reality check. We live in Los Angeles, and we do not have the budget to buy a house here in the foreseeable future. So, we are practicing minimalism by being content with our two bedroom apartment & making things work.
And the good news is that it’s actually pretty doable to opt for a smaller living space in order to save money. Also, these habits you develop will stay with you in the long run and benefit you in the future.
My Top 4 Practical Minimalism Tips
1. Declutter
If you want to downsize to a smaller place or figure out a way to not outgrow your current one, the first step you’re going to want to do is declutter. Get rid of everything you’re not using or don’t need anymore. If you’re not sure where to start, I currently have a Pinterest board dedicated to decluttering. Get into a habit of purging consistently because having too much stuff around is an easy way to make your living area feel cramped.
2. Use Multifunctional Furniture
Once you’ve decluttered, take a long, hard look at everything you kept and figure out how to best make use of your space. Purchase multi-use & functional furniture with various storage options. My parents gave me a hope chest in high school which lives at the end of our bed and nicely stores quilts, blankets, and many more things that won’t fit into our closet.
3. Implement Space Saving Solutions
Consider investing in space-saving solutions such as vacuum-sealed space saver bags (like these* or these*
). We use space saver bags to shrink down our snow clothes hanging in the closet and also to store our comforter in the hope chest during the hot summer months.
4. Take Advantage of Every Inch of Your Home
4. Your home is there to serve you. Optimize your organization & storage space. One trick I came up with for our apartment was to tack a hanging a shoe organizer to the inside of our small “hallway” closet door since we don’t have room for shoe storage either in our closet or by the front door. It’s the perfect size and fits 12 pairs of shoes nicely. (You can find similar ones here* and here*)
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Do you practice minimalism? How do you stay content with your current living situation if it’s not your ideal? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
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